Our mission is to provide high quality academic, professional learning opportunities in fields of technical, medical pharmaceutical and management designed to advance the intellectual, cultural, social and economic well being of the citizens. The trust will foster a society of lifelong learners. Prepare a productive work force for a knowledge Based global marketplace, cultivate social responsibility and commitment to ethical values, and improve the quality and understanding of life and promote the cultural awareness and appreciation for diversity.
This committed for performing research oriented education services in Technical, Medical, Pharmaceutical and Management fields. The trust will serve mandate through extensive education programming including developing and presenting original and innovative performing educational programmes for children, youth, families, adults and educators designed specifically to fosters an appreciation and understanding.
Ratnadeep Medical Foundation and Research Centre Ratnapur
Ratnadeep Homoeopathic Medical College
Ratnapur, Taluka Jamkhed,
District Ahmednagar Maharashtra
413 201, INDIA
Phone: 9323461111 / 9323463333
Phone: (02421) 222101
Email ID: jhmcjkd@gmail.com
Website: www.rhmcjamkhed.com